4 Mart 2010 Perşembe

Gulay and Thomas Crampton

Yesterday, I participated the 2nd class of ENG 487. Gulay Ozkan is the instructor of the course and Thomas Crampton was the guest speaker for yesterday. Also thanks to Berkan for arranging the visit of Mr. Thomas. Very brief, those are the things left in my mind:

1) Gulay said that always give an extra importance on deadlines, "Last minute" things are always more expensive than regular things.

2) Gulay said that while interacting with business environment, never lose your style, create your own style.

3) Gulay talked about networking and said that "Always have targets while building network.".

4) Thomas said that "The future is content!".

5) Thomas talked about entrepreneurship and said that "Go out, start your business and make sure to fail". Namely, learn by failing.

6) Thomas talked about business opportunities and suggested that "Look what works for elsewhere and try it in Turkey", as an easy(?) and not creative(?) way to become an entrepreneur.

7) At the end of the lecture, Thomas clearly stated that "The message: Fail.".

Thanks to Thomas for being with us.

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